The kitchen is the heart of the home.


Kerrock kitchens. It is a matter of good taste and sound judgement. Sound to the touch and mechanically resistant to all culinary adventures.


  • Project: Apartment S, Architect: Sara Lungu I Magio Design Studio, Photograph: Sebastian Stan
  • Project: House L, Slovenia, Architect: Jakob Grahek, Photograph / Visualisation: JGdesign
  • Project: More is more Romania, Architecture: Phenomena laboratory, Photography: Vlad Patru
  • Project: Antinorma, Romania, Architecture: Phenomena laboratory, Photography: Vlad Patru
  • Project name: Kitchen, Architect / Designer: Pasi Kaukonen, interior architect, Manufacturer / carpenter:  Helsingin Mittapuu Oy, Photographer: Jesse Terho
  • Project name: Kitchen, Architect / Designer: Helsingin Mittapuu, Manufacturer /Carpenter: Helsingin Mittapuu Oy, Photographer : customer
  • GF Concepts
  • Vila Olimp; Phenomena laboratory project, photo by Cosmin Dragomir
  • Kitchen twist; Mateja Cukala u.d.i.a. + Petra Kuštrin abs. arch
  • Gerd Coukhuyt; VBD Productions
Colours according to the RAL scale

Colours according to the RAL scale

We develop the colour according to the RAL scale or any other colours in a very short time (within two weeks).

UV-resistant colours

UV-resistant colours

Production of UV-resistant Kerrock for outdoor surfaces. You can choose from single-colour, granite, terrazzo and marble effects.

Mechanical resistance

Mechanical resistance

A surface that limits mechanical damage and maintains the appearance of new for a long time. Stains are easily removed. Age does not show in Kerrock.

Easy cleaning and maintenance

Easy cleaning and maintenance

Kerrock is popular for its easy cleaning and maintenance, as stains are easily removed with water and conventional cleaners.


Kerrock kitchen

A day that starts with fragrant coffee and a look at the wonderful phenomena of Kerrock is a good day.

Ease of care


Ease of care

Kerrock is popular for its easy cleaning and maintenance, as stains are easily removed with water and conventional cleaners. For a silky shine and freshness of paints, we recommend the use of fine abrasives for cleaning.

Perfection in detail


Perfection in detail

Health-friendly and mechanically resistant, with high aesthetics. The Kerrock kitchen.

Great properties


Great properties

A surface that limits mechanical damage and maintains the appearance of new for a long time. Stains from various foods are easily removed. Age does not show in Kerrock.

Infinitely flexible


Infinitely flexible

Treatment is simple and gives effective results. The design of the edges and borders can be different; from round, straight and rounded to stylised shapes. The excellence of the finish treatment is outstanding. The advantage that comparable material has not yet shown.