Professional excellence.


We are proud of the certificates obtained.


UL from USA issued ENVIRONMENTAL CLAIM VALIDATION SUMMARY, Report Number: 335294-4210, for Recycled Kerrock Sheets, with Claim: Recycled Kerrock Sheets contain a minimum ob 8% Recycled Content. Recycled Content is defined in accordance with ISO 14021.

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Slovenian national building and civil engineering institute performed a Product Life Cycle Analysis (LCA analysis) for Kerrock composite panels and issued an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) based on LCA analysis in accordance with ISO 14025 and EN 15804:2012 + A2:2019.
The EPD calculates the impact of Kerrock on global warming and other important environmental impact indicators. The results on the EPD show favourable environmental impacts and are in line with the commitment of Kolpa d.o.o. to reduce the carbon footprint of Kerrock.

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Antibacterial effectiveness

Kerrock® prevents the growth of bacteria. In addition, Kerrock+ enables excellent antibacterial activity. Tests and Evaluation Report of Antimicrobial Efficacy in the Kerrock® material were performed at the BASF laboratory (Report No. BSL-140,TA20100906).

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ISO 9001

Kolpa d.o.o., the manufacturer of Kerrock® products, has an established quality management system in accordance with the EN ISO 9001 standard. This demonstrates its ability to consistently ensure the quality of products and services that meet the requirements of the customers and the applicable regulations.

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ISO 14001

The respective standard offers the possibility of systemising environmental aspects arising from each activity carried out by the company. In addition to promoting environmental protection and preventing pollution, it also encourages social and economic balance and social responsibility. Kolpa d.d., the manufacturer of Kerrock®, has a certified environmental management system.

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ISO 19712

Kerrock® meets and goes beyond all the requirements laid down in the ISO 19712 standard which apply to decorative hard-surface materials for work surfaces, claddings and designed products. Part 2: Determining the properties – composite panels Part 3: Tests were performed at the Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute (ZAG), Report No. 884/18-460-1, as well as internal tests at the Kolpa d.d. laboratory.

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Food contact – National Laboratory of Health, Environment and Food

The National Laboratory of Health, Environment and Food (NZLOH), the central Slovenian public health laboratory which is involved in hygienic and medical/ecological activity, confirmed that Kerrock® is a safe material for any type of food contact without presenting a risk to health. It complies with the Commission Regulation (EC) No 10/2011 (as amended by 2024) and the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EC), No 1935/2004.

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Facades and wall coverings – Slovenian Civil Engineering Institute

The central Slovenian and state-appointed authority for technical approvals – ZAG (Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute) granted the Slovenian Technical Approval STS-11/0024 for KERROCK SHEET FOR FACADE AND WALL CLADDINGS. The respective technical approval proves the appropriateness and is essential for using Kerrock® sheets/elements for ventilated facades.

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Burning behaviour

The reaction to fire of the Kerrock® material in the construction sector was proven by an analysis addressing its behaviour in the initial fire phase. Tests were conducted in line with the requirements stipulated in the EN 13501-1 (Euroclass System) European standard. The B-s1, d0 reaction to fire class was determined for the Kerrock® plate. Tests were performed:

  • – at the CSI (Certification and Behavioral Analysis Center – Italy) – Classification Report 0710DCREA15_6
  • – at the ZAG (Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute) – Classification Report No. P 0942/10-530-4

Tests of Kerrock reaction to fire were also conducted in accordance with the DIN 4102-1 standard at HFM TUM (Technische Universitat München). Kerrock® received the B1 rating for construction material – Test Report No. B15159. The Kerrock® material was also tested for smoke development and toxicity in accordance with the Resolution MSC: 61 (67), FTP code, Attachment 1, Part 2. The company Exova Warringtonfire performed the respective tests and the Kerrock® material meets the requirements of IMO FTPC, Part 2, Section Smoke and Section 2.6.2 Toxicity in smoke development and toxicity (Report No. 2011-1241-1). This demonstrates the suitability of using Kerrock® material for partitions, claddings or ceilings.

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MED - Equipment of ships

Kerrock® MF material is suitable for equipment of ships as it meets the requirements of MED (Marine Equipment Directive). The International Maritime Organization (IMO) and European standardisation bodies set the performance standards and tests for the Marine Equipment Directive. LAPI, a certification house from Italy, performed tests on the Kerrock® MF material for B Module (Certificate No. 0987/MED-B/686 Rev.1) and carried out an audit of the production quality control system for D Module (Certificate No. 0987/MED-D/702).

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Equipment of vehicles

The Kerrock® material is suitable in terms of the burning behaviour of materials for interior fittings of certain categories of motor vehicles/buses since it complies with Regulation No. 118 (R118). The LAPI laboratory from Italy carried out the tests of the Kerrock material (Test Report No 1386.6MT0030/19). DEKRA drew up Technical Report No. 19M3-01779-00 and in cooperation with the NSAI certification body issued the Type Approval certificate for the Kerrock® material.

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Equipment of rail vehicles

The Kerrock® material is suitable in terms of its response to fire behaviour properties of materials and products used in rail vehicles and defined in the EN 45545-2 (European Union Standard Fire Testing to Railway Components) standard. LAPI, an accredited laboratory from Italy, performed the tests of Kerrock panels. Based on the test results, the sample complies with the Hazard Level requirement set R2 for the standard Kerrock® plates (Test Report No. 1800.1IS0040/19) and Hazard Level requirement R1 for Kerrock® MF panels (Classification Report No.: 1407.1IS0040/24).

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Hos emmision

RI.SE, a Swedish accredited laboratory, measured the emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOC) in accordance with EN ISO 16000-9:2006 (Indoor Air – Part 9), carcinogens (EU Regulation NO. 1272/2008, Annex VI, 1A and 1B Cat.) and formaldehyde and acetaldehyde (ISO 16000-3:2001) on a Kerrock® panel. The measured VOC values were well below the threshold values and no carcinogens were detected; Report: 2F000828. The result of the test indicates that Kerrock® complies with the requirements of M1 high grade for registration according to the Byggvarubedömningen association, Sweden. The registration procedure is pending. We have also made contact with the UL for obtaining a Greenhouse certificate that covers a similar area as the respective Swedish organisation.

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Reach statement

Declaration of compliance with Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). This declaration confirms that the Kerrock® sheets, bowls, and adhesive manufactured and supplied by Kolpa do not contain substances that would be classified as substances of very high concern (SVHC) as defined in Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) in quantities exceeding 0.1% by weight.

We use substances and mixtures registered by our suppliers or manufacturers. As a downstream user, we regularly communicate with our suppliers regarding REACH.

We also regularly monitor the list of substances of very high concern (SVHC) available on the website of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) at;

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LEED, (Leadership and Energy & Environmental Design) is a leading international system or programme for assessing/certifying plans (designs) in the field of construction which also promotes the best world practices in constructing buildings and using construction products. It helps experts to improve the quality of building products and to reduce environmental impacts. The green construction sector is growing rapidly and thus owners and contractors are becoming increasingly familiar with the advantages of LEED certification.

  • Kerrock® is a material with a long service life, while its products can be relocated and reused after the end of use of buildings.
  • Products made of Kerrock® are completely recyclable and can be converted to raw materials suitable for manufacturing new products or for other industrial uses. Large items (parts for façade panels, claddings, etc.) using Kerrock® adhesives may be processed into other products, e.g. furniture.
  • Kerrock® is made of 0–40% recycled substances.
  • Kerrock® is made of materials from the closest local sources and thus its impact on the environment is reduced.
  • The Kerrock® adhesive used for glueing products is completely cured at the end user and does not release any volatile organic compounds (VOC).
  • Kerrock® products are particularly well suited for indoor use since they release hardly any volatile organic compounds (VOC). This is proven by the test performed at the independent laboratory RI.SE (Report No. 2F000828, RI.SE).
  • Kerrock® is a composite material complying with the REACH Directive. It contains no substances stated in the Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) list.
  • None of the components used for producing Kerrock® panels contains phthalates, heavy metals, chromium (VI) compounds or other carcinogens.
  • Kerrock® sheets are self-extinguishing and do not release toxic gases in the case of external fire source (Report No. 2011-1241-1, EXOVA Warringtonfire)

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